
There are a variety of viewing options available which give you maximum flexibility when creating your publications.

View modes

The view mode is made up of two distinct components:


Single View

Presents the selected mode in isolation on a single page.

Split View

Presents vector and pixel modes simultaneously on the same page. A sliding divider can be repositioned to view different areas of the design in either mode.

Clip to Canvas

This option, set by default, restricts the document view, so you can only see objects which are placed on the page. If objects extend beyond the page, the area which lies on the page is visible while the area which lies on the pasteboard is hidden. Objects which are entirely on the pasteboard are hidden.

When Clip to Canvas is switched off, the pasteboard is visible (it is a subtly lighter shade), as are all the objects placed on it.

Clip to Canvas can be used in conjunction with any of the above view options.

To display specific modes:
To work in Split View:
  1. From the View menu's View Mode sub-menu, select Split View.
  2. Click one side of the divider.

    The divider label displays as black for the selected side (otherwise displayed as grey).

To activate/deactivate Clip to Canvas:

Full screen display

You can jump to full screen view easily via a window button, menu option or a keyboard shortcut.

To display full screen:

Do one of the following:

Arranging open documents side-by-side

You can arrange two tabbed documents so they sit side-by-side.

To arrange documents side-by-side:

With two documents open and tabbed, do the following:

  1. Drag one of your tabs so that it is floating and then move it to the left side of the screen.
  2. Other windows you have open (including those belonging to other apps) will be arranged on the right side of the screen. Click one of those windows and drag to tile it on the right side of the screen beside your document.

Arranging open documents side-by-side

You can arrange two tabbed documents so they sit side-by-side.

To arrange documents side-by-side:

With two documents open and tabbed, do the following:

  1. From the Window menu, select Separated Mode.
  2. Hover over the green button on one of the document windows until an additional set of options appear.
  3. Choose Tile Window to Left of Screen or Tile Window to Right of Screen to display your document on the left or right side of the screen.
  4. Other windows you have open (including those belonging to other apps) will be arranged on the remaining side of the screen. Click one of those windows to tile it on that side of the screen beside your document.

New View

There are times when it is useful to view a design at different zoom levels simultaneously. This can be achieved by opening your current project in a New View. The views can then be set to different zoom levels. Changes made to any view are replicated in the other.

To open the current project in a new view:
To switch between open projects and views:

Do one of the following: