With the Background Erase Brush Tool, you can erase pixels of a similar color. This makes it useful for tasks such as erasing the background while leaving the foreground intact.
The following settings can be adjusted from the context toolbar:
Width—the brush (stroke) size in pixels.
Opacity—how see through the brush is. 100% opacity erases pixels completely on the first pass. A lower opacity only partially erases the pixels.
Flow—how fast the brush effect is applied (1% is very slow, 100% is immediate).
Hardness—how hard the edges of the brush are. The brush appears softer as the percentage decreases.
More—tap to display the Brushes dialog to access advanced brush settings.
Tolerance—how dissimilar the pixels can be compared to the sampled pixel for the pixels to be erased. A low percentage affects only pixels very similar to the sampled pixel.
Continuous—if this option is off (default), samples the color only once on the first tap. When selected, samples color continuously as you drag.
Contiguous—when selected (default), affects neighboring pixels as well as the sampled pixel color. If this option is off, affects only the selected pixel color.
Force Pressure—Toggle to control brush size with pressure if using a pressure-sensitive device. This overrides brush defaults.