Pixel selections from channels

You can create pixel selections based on a single channel or combination of channels. This feature is available from the Channels Studio.

Selection from channel
Selection created from the image's blue channel.

Pixels are selected based on the contribution that the chosen channel makes to its color value. If a channel only contributes partially to a pixel, that partial amount is selected (i.e. where a channel contributes 20% of the color to that pixel, that 20% is selected).

Channels Studio More Options To create a pixel selection from a channel:
To combine channels in a single pixel selection:
  1. Create an initial channel selection using Load to Pixel Selection as above.
  2. On another channel, tap More Options, and then Add to Pixel Selection.
  3. Repeat step 2 as needed to include other channels.
Channels Studio To create a pixel selection from a selected layer's channel:
  1. In the Layers Studio, select a layer.
  2. In the Channels Studio, tap More Options on a channel named after the selected layer (e.g. Pixel Red), then select Create Spare Channel
  3. Tap More Options on the newly created Spare Channel entry and select Load to Pixel Selection.