Affinity Photo has full support for 32-bit float editing, including import/export for OpenEXR and Radiance formats. Compared to 8-bit or 16-bit, 32-bit presents an unbounded color space that can contain a vast amount of tonal information. This means the information can be modified to extremes without losing fidelity or accuracy. For example, highlight detail blown out by an adjustment or filter can be recovered even after successive operations.
Uses for 32-bit HDR
Popular uses for 32-bit editing include:
HDR merging from several exposures to produce an image with greatly increased dynamic range. The result typically has to be tone mapped in order to be viewed properly on most displays.
3D render editing. Full renders and buffer passes from 3D software and 3D engines can be professionally color managed and edited losslessly.
General image editing and design work with increased precision. Useful for fine gradient work, heavy tonal manipulations and composite work.