Gradient editing

The Gradient Tool does a great job in drawing a simple color gradient across layers (pixel layers, fill layers, adjustment layers, live filter layers, layer masks) as well as vector and text content. However, you might want to apply a more complex fill, introducing more than two colors along the gradient path, adjust where each color is positioned and/or control color transitions. You can do this directly on the page using the tool's gradient path.

If you apply a gradient directly to your image's layer you'll destroy the layer content. Instead, apply gradients to a separate pixel, fill, adjustment, filter, mask or vector layer. With Fill layers, your gradient path will additionally remain editable.

Color gradient example
(From left to right) Elliptical, Radial, Linear, Conical, and Bitmap fill types applied to a basic shape.

Gradient settings

The following settings can be adjusted via the tool's context toolbar:

Gradient Tool To use the Gradient Tool:
  1. Select a pixel or vector layer.
  2. From the Photo Persona, select the Gradient Tool.
  3. From the context toolbar, select a fill type from the Type menu.
  4. Drag the cursor across the content.
  5. Hold down a secondary finger (or thumb) to constrain the angle of the gradient path to 45°.
To create a bitmap fill:
  1. Select a pixel or vector layer.
  2. From the Photo Persona, select the Gradient Tool.
  3. From the context toolbar, choose Bitmap from the Type menu.
  4. A file browser window will appear, allowing you to select a file to be used as a bitmap fill.
  5. You can adjust the scaling and rotation of the image by dragging on the canvas or by tapping and dragging on one of the axis nodes.
  6. Tapping and dragging on the middle node allows you to reposition the image on the object.
To modify a gradient:

With the Gradient Tool selected, select the layer content with a gradient fill applied and then do any of the following: