Using assets

Assets are stored design elements which can be accessed from any document you have open.

Working with assets

Assets are created from objects or groups of objects. Once selected on the page, these objects and groups can be added to the Assets Studio. When a new assets category is created, this creates a subcategory for you, ready to drag objects to.

Organizing assets

Categories can be created at any time to help you organize your assets. They are then listed in the pop-up menu at the top of the Assets Studio. Each category can accommodate an unlimited number of subcategories. A typical example, would be a category name of 'MyAssets', containing subcategories such as 'Buttons', 'Icons', 'Toolbars', etc.

You can import assets directly into the Assets Studio at any time.

Studio Preferences To create a new category:
Studio Preferences To create a new subcategory:
Studio Preferences To store an asset:
  1. Select one or more objects or groups on the page or via the Layers Studio.
  2. On the Assets Studio, tap Studio Preferences on the Asset subcategory you want to save the asset into, then choose Add Asset from Selection.
To add an asset to the page:

Do one of the following: