Selections Persona Selections Persona

The Selections Persona provides a range of selection tools for demarcating selected regions of your image for editing. Selections are used for masking and applying adjustments and filters selectively.

The Selections Persona workspace

The tools presented vertically down the left of the workspace are mostly unique to the Selections Persona. Some other areas of the workspace pertinent to this Persona are the Document Menu, Commands Menu and Studios.

Document Menu Document Menu

The Document Menu is common to both the Selections Persona and Photo Persona. It hosts the same set of commands which are focused on document-level features such as document resize, print, export, flatten, and various design aids (snapping, grids and guides).

Commands Menu Commands Menu

The Commands Menu differs between Personas—the list of commands are context sensitive to the currently active Persona, and support the Persona's way of working.

For Selections Persona, the commands are focused on different selection operations.


The set of Studios in this Persona is shared with the Photo Persona and offers layers, colour, adjustments, filters, channels and many more essential features. The Studios support the current Persona's toolset.