The following settings can be adjusted from the context toolbar:
- Sharp converts the selected node from a smooth or smart corner into a cusp sharp corner.
- Smooth converts the selected node from a sharp or smart corner into a smooth corner.
- Smart converts the selected node from a sharp or smooth corner into a smart corner.
- Break opens the shape at the selected node.
- Close joins the start and end nodes to create an enclosed shape.
- Smooth modifies a line or shape, by adding and removing nodes, to make it more aesthetic.
- Join connects two separate curves together to make one curve. Both curves need to be selected by dragging a selection box over them.
- Reverse lets you draw from the opposite end of the curve—The start node becomes active, ready for further drawing.
Snap To Nodes—will snap any node you drag to any other node on the same or a different curve.
Snap To Geometry—will snap dragged nodes to the same or different curve's path or node.
Snap All Selected Nodes—will snap multiple selected nodes, when dragging, to a "target" node on any selected curves.
Snap Handles—will snap a control handle using any of the snapping criteria currently set in Global snapping, e.g. to grid, guide, object geometry, key points, spread, margin, etc.
Construction Snapping—allows control handle snapping:
- inline with adjacent node.
- to 90° from inline.
- to reflected angle with adjacent control handle.
- parallel to adjacent control handle.
- 90° to parallel control handle.
- to logical triangle.