Crop Tool
The Crop Tool allows you to remove portions of your photo or image. Crops are non-destructive and can use specific aspect ratios as required.
The following settings can be adjusted from the context toolbar:
- Mode—sets the aspect ratio of the crop area.
- X, Y, Width, Height—for Custom Ratio and Absolute Dimension modes, sets the width and height, respectively.
- DPI—for Absolute Dimension modes, sets the DPI (resolution) value.
- Units—sets the units used by the crop area.
- Overlay—offers various overlays for better photo composition.
- Orientation—available only for the spiral overlay and flips it horizontally/vertically through four possible orientations.
- Rotate—rotates the crop area by 180°.
- Straighten—switches to Straighten mode to align crooked photos horizontally or vertically.
- Darken—renders areas outside of the crop boundary darker for easier previewing.
- Reveal—reveals the whole canvas outside of the crop boundary.
- Apply—applies the crop to your image once you've defined the crop area (based on the positioned overlay).
- Discard—discards any changes made to the crop overlay.