The Clone Brush Tool paints samples from one part of an image onto another. It's useful for removing defects, general photo retouching and duplicating parts of an image. Like all brush tools, it is pressure sensitive to create natural looking strokes when using a pressure-sensitive device.
The following settings can be adjusted from the context toolbar:
Width—the brush (stroke) size in pixels.
Opacity—how see through the brush is.
Flow—how fast the brush effect is applied (1% is very slow, 100% is immediate).
Hardness—how hard the edges of the brush are. The brush appears softer as the percentage decreases.
More—tap to display the Brushes dialog to access advanced brush settings.
Rotation—sets the degree of rotation applied to the sample.
Scale—sets the scale of the sample between 1% and 1000%.
Force Pressure—Toggle to control brush size with pressure if using a pressure-sensitive device. This overrides brush defaults.
Aligned—when selected (default), the origin of the sample remains a fixed distance from the pointer. If this option is off, the origin of the sample always returns to the sample location defined initially.
Flip—allows for horizontal and vertical flipping of the resulting clone relative to the sampled area. Choose horizontal, vertical or both directions from a pop-up menu.
Blend Mode—changes how the applied pixels interact with existing pixels on a layer. Choose mode type from a pop-up menu.
Source—the source determines the layer(s) from which the pixels are sampled. Select from the pop-up menu.
Continue Last—(on-screen modifier key) when pressed, laid-down cloned areas are conjoined.
Set Source—(on-screen modifier key) sets the clone source as a key press as you continue cloning.