The Photo Persona is the default Persona that you'll probably spend most of your time in. It hosts a range of commonly used photo editing tools for easy access while editing.
The tools presented vertically down the left of the workspace are mostly unique to the Photo Persona. Some other areas of the workspace pertinent to this Persona are the Document Menu, Edit Menu and Studio panels.
The Document Menu is common to the Photo Persona. It hosts the familiar set of commands which are focused on document-level features such as document convert, resize, print, export, flatten, and various design aids (snapping, grids, guides, etc.).
The Edit Menu differs between Personas—the list of commands is context-sensitive to the currently active Persona, and support the Persona's way of working.
For the Photo Persona, the commands available are focused on pasting or placing content on the page, as well as various operations that can be performed on layer content.
The set of panels, located on the right, in this Persona offers layers, color, adjustments, filters, channels and many more essential features. The panels support the current Persona's toolset.