
The Export dialog provides a streamlined approach to exporting your document to a common file format. You can make use of pre-supplied or your own saved presets, or have the flexibility of adjusting settings individually.

From the dialog, a preview of what will be exported can be displayed, which you can zoom and pan to inspect the effect of your choices.

Password-protected PDFs

When exporting a PDF, you can choose to give it either or both of two types of password: an open password and a permissions password. Exporting with a password encrypts the resulting PDF.

PDF password options are available when the Compatibility option is set to PDF 2.0 (ISO 32000-2), PDF 1.7 (Acrobat 8) or PDF 1.6 (Acrobat 7). All PDF presets provided with Affinity except those for PDF/X output use PDF 1.7 or 1.6 compatibility.

About open passwords

The content of a PDF with an open password can be viewed only by providing the open password or, if one has additionally been set, the PDF's permissions password.

When a PDF has only an open password, there are no restrictions on what people can do with its content. The PDF can be printed or placed in an Affinity document, its content can be modified and selectively copied, and pages can be extracted to create new PDFs.

About permissions passwords

Setting a permissions password limits what people can do with the PDF unless they are able to provide the permissions password.

Optionally, you can choose to allow specific actions to be performed without providing the permissions password. So, you might choose to allow people to freely open and print your PDF, but not modify or selectively copy its content.


Your choice of file format determines which other settings are presented on the dialog.

For descriptions of the complete range of settings and their availability by format, see Export Settings.

Document Menu To export an image:
  1. From the Document menu, select Export.
  2. Choose an export file format and settings.
  3. Tap OK.
  4. Navigate to where you wish to save the PDF, then tap Save.
To preview your export:
  1. From the Export dialog, wait for the estimated file size to appear, then tap Preview.
  2. When you are finished previewing your export, tap Close.