Symmetry and Mirror

Use Symmetry and Mirror options while painting with the Paint Brush Tool to create controlled and pattern-like compositions.

Symmetry painting

Using the Symmetry and Mirror options found on the Paint Brush Tool's context toolbar, you can create variable repeating patterns with radial or Mandala-style symmetry over one or multiple planes.

Mirror painting example
Mirrored brush strokes applied to create a pattern.
To create symmetrical and mirrored effects:
  1. Select the Paint Brush Tool, then consider the following:
    • Symmetry Enabling the Symmetry option from the context toolbar allows you to produce symmetrical or mirrored drawings over one or multiple planes.
    • Rotate the symmetry plane from the center of the drawing by dragging from anywhere along the primary symmetry line. Using a modifier (Smart keyboard or Command Controller) will make the line snap to 15° intervals.
    • Lock/Unlock Tap the Lock setting to lock the symmetry line in place. With the setting unchecked, you can reposition the symmetry origin and draw symmetrical and mirrored patterns elsewhere on the page.
    • Mirror Apply brush strokes to preview the direction of the symmetrical patterns. If the direction needs to be mirrored, check the Mirror option on the context toolbar.
    • If you wish to work with more than one plane of symmetry, tap the field value box next to the Lines entry and adjust the number of planes. You can use up to 16 planes in total.
  2. Paint on the page.
Symmetrical dreamcatcher
A dreamcatcher design with a symmetrical pattern.
Mirrored dreamcatcher
A dreamcatcher design with a mirrored pattern.
To reposition the symmetry origin: