Develop Persona Develop Persona

The Develop Persona is the environment for processing raw images in Affinity Photo 2.

The Develop Persona workspace

The tools presented vertically down the left of the workspace are a small subset of editing tools available from the Photo Persona. Some other areas of the workspace pertinent to this Persona are the Edit Menu and Studio panels.

Edit Menu Edit Menu

The Edit Menu differs between Personas—the list of commands is context-sensitive to the currently active Persona, and support the Persona's way of working.

For the Develop Persona, the commands available let you synchronise between before and after Split views and view clipped regions that require attention during raw processing.

Studio panels

This Persona offers unique Studio panels that are designed for powerful raw image development. Panels allow you to control exposure/white balance, colour, tone, noise, lens issues, and apply overlays for adjusting only specific areas.