The Median Brush Tool can be used to selectively reduce noise by blending pixels under the stroke.
The following settings can be adjusted using vertical tool sliders:
Opacity/Accumulation toggle—how see-through the brush is or the extent of deviation in the opacity or visibility of the stroke as it is painted, respectively. Tap to toggle the setting, then slide up or down to set the value.
Flow/Hardness toggle—how fast the brush effect is applied (1% is very slow, 100% is immediate) or how hard edged the brush is, respectively.
Width—controls the width of the stroke using a vertical slider next to the tool's location. Slide up or down to set the width.
The following settings can be adjusted from the context toolbar:
More—tap to display the Brushes dialog to access advanced brush settings.
Force Pressure—toggle to control brush size with pressure if using a pressure-sensitive device. This overrides brush defaults.