Liquify Persona Warping using Liquify Persona

Liquify Persona provides the perfect environment for the highly accurate warping of images.

Before and after using the Liquify Pinch Tool.

Image warping is controlled using a combination of Liquify tools. These can be divided into three types:

The mesh is an overlay which is used as a visual aid to help identify any previous warp operations. The mesh can also be reconstructed to uniformly strengthen or weaken the overall warping effect.

All Liquify tools are supported by a dedicated Liquify panel, which hosts mesh display and reconstruction settings.

Push Forward Tool Push Left Tool Twirl Tool Pinch Tool Punch Tool Turbulence Tool To warp using the Liquify tools:
  1. Select a Liquify tool.
  2. Adjust brush settings on the vertical sliders.
  3. Drag, tap or drag on the image to apply the warp effect—this depends on the Liquify tool chosen. The effect of the tool is cumulative. If the result is not strong enough, repeat the process.
Mesh Clone Tool To warp using Clone Mesh:
  1. Select the Mesh Clone Tool.
  2. Adjust brush settings on the vertical sliders.
  3. Hold down secondary finger (or thumb) on the screen and tap your primary finger on the area of the mesh you wish to copy.
  4. Tap on the area of the mesh to 'paste' the copied effect.
  5. Repeat the step above to apply the copied effect elsewhere on the image.
Reconstruct Tool To remove a warp effect:

For individual pixels:

  1. Select the Reconstruct Tool.
  2. Tap or drag on the image to remove the warp effect.

For the entire image:

Liquify panel To strengthen or subdue the current warp effect:
  1. In Liquify panel, set the Reconstruct Mesh value:
    • Above 100% to strengthen the effect.
    • Below 100% to subdue the effect.

Edit Menu Mesh controls

The Edit menu provides access to various mesh controls.

View modes in Liquify Persona

There are a variety of view modes available in Liquify Persona which give you the opportunity of seeing how your warped image compares to the original.

Split View To activate split view modes: