Modifying brushes

Brushes can be modified before you paint on your design. Basic modifications can be made from the context toolbar, while advanced adjustments can be made from the Brushes panel. Both methods set brush properties for subsequent brush strokes, but the latter edits your brush permanently.

Width (Size)







Brush Width Size

Settings (or Preferences)

The following settings are available via More on the context toolbar:




For nozzle control:

For base texture control:

Sub Brushes

Additional settings:

Edit Brush To modify brush settings:
  1. Do one of the following:
    • With the Paint Brush Tool selected, on the context toolbar, click More.
    • On the Brushes panel, -click the brush you would like to modify and select Edit Brush.
    • On the Brushes panel, double-click the brush you would like to alter.
  2. Adjust the settings in the dialog.
  3. Click Close.
Edit Brush To rename a brush:
  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the Brushes panel, click Edit Brush.
    • With the Paint Brush Tool selected, on the context toolbar, click More and then Save As in the pop-up dialog.
    • On the Brushes panel, -click the brush you would like to rename and select Edit Brush.
    • On the Brushes panel, double-click the brush you would like to rename.
    • On the Brushes panel, -click the brush you would like to rename and select Rename Brush.
  2. Enter the new name for the brush.
  3. Press to confirm.
  4. Click Close or OK in the dialog, depending on the option from those listed above.
Paint Brush To load a bitmap to a brush stroke:
  1. Select the Paint Brush Tool.
  2. On the Brushes panel, select a brush.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • From your Finder window, drag a bitmap file and drop it onto the Swatches panel, Color panel or the active color selector.
    • From your Explorer window, drag a bitmap file and drop it onto the Swatches panel, Color panel or the active color selector.
    • From the Assets panel, drag an asset, e.g. a texture, onto the Swatches panel, Color panel or the active color selector.
    • From the Stock panel, drag a photo onto the Swatches panel, Color panel or the active color selector.

Bitmap-loaded brushes are great for stamp-styled strokes, where a single click on the page places the loaded texture. They are often used in placing a watermark, e.g. the author's logo on digital artwork.

Paint Brush Tool controller options

Option Device Description
Random Tablet pen, mouse The value of the attribute will be randomly determined based on the percentage of jitter set. The range of this jitter can be seen by the length of the blue bar in the General tab.
Pressure Tablet pen The appearance of the brush stroke will be affected by the amount of pressure applied to the tablet.
Angle Tablet pen The behavior of the brush stroke will be mapped to match the angle of the tablet pen (this varies from 0 to 360°).
Tilt Tablet pen The behavior of the brush stroke will be mapped to match the tilt of the tablet pen (this varies from 0 to 90°).
Rotation Tablet pen 1, 2 The behavior of the brush stroke will be mapped to match the tablet pen's barrel rotation.
Cyclic Tablet pen, mouse The behavior of the brush stroke will cycle between the range of available values shown on the slider. 3
Velocity Tablet pen, mouse The appearance of the brush stroke will be modified as the speed of the tablet pen or mouse movement increases. The range of the jitter can be seen by the length of the blue bar with low velocity on the left and high velocity on the right.
Velocity Inverse Tablet pen, mouse The appearance of the brush stroke will be modified inversely as the speed of the tablet pen or mouse movement increases. The range of the jitter can be seen by the length of the blue bar with high velocity on the left and low velocity on the right.
Direction Tablet pen, mouse The appearance of the brush stroke will be affected by the direction the pen or mouse is moving in.
Stylus Wheel Tablet pen 1 , 2 The appearance of the brush stroke will change depending on the setting of the wheel on the airbrush pen.
Distance Tablet pen, mouse The appearance of the brush stroke will be affected by the length of the continuous stroke.

1 This setting is only supported on certain Wacom tablet pens.

2 The Apple Pencil does not support this setting.

3 You will need to ensure the Jitter setting is sufficiently high enough for the effect to change.