
Layer content across multiple layers can be spaced evenly between layer selection bounds using Alignment commands. The spacing of objects ensures there is an equal distance between object edges.

Before and after spacing.

Spacing using key objects

Instead of spacing being calculated between selection bounds, you can control spacing in relation to any targeted key object in the current selection. This targeting is done using an -click on the target item. By keeping this modifier active after targeting, you can set the overall spacing based on the spacing between the key object and the rightmost item in the selection. Without the modifier applied, the spacing is based on the spacing used between the key object and the leftmost item.

Instead of spacing being calculated between selection bounds, you can control spacing in relation to any targeted key object in the current selection. This targeting is done using an -click on the target item. By then holding the after targeting, you can set the overall spacing based on the spacing between the key object and the rightmost item in the selection. Without holding this key, the spacing is based on the spacing used between the key object and the leftmost item.

Spacing objects using key objects
A targeted key object (A) used to set spacing horizontally from the rightmost item (B) or the leftmost item (C).
Alignment Space Horizontally Space Vertically To space layer contents:
  1. Select multiple layers.
  2. On the Toolbar, click Alignment, click Space Horizontally or Space Vertically from the pop-up panel, and then click Apply.
To target a key object to space in relation to:
  1. Select multiple items.
  2. With the pressed, click the target item. A selected key object possesses a strong outline.
To space items using a key object:
  1. Ensure a key object is targeted as above.
  2. To space in relation to the leftmost object: select Space Horizontally or Space Vertically from the Toolbar's Alignment menu.
  3. To space in relation to the rightmost item: with the pressed, select Space Horizontally or Space Vertically from the Toolbar's Alignment menu.
  4. To space in relation to the rightmost item: with the pressed, select Space Horizontally or Space Vertically from the Toolbar's Alignment menu.