Channel Mixer adjustment

Adjust the color of individual channels to produce effects not easily achieved with other color adjustment tools.

Before and after channel swapping.


The following settings can be adjusted:

Channel swapping

Channel swapping is a non-destructive technique, particularly popular with images containing foliage and often used to replicate the look of infrared photography. It is achieved by using the Channel Mixer where Red and Blue channels have their values swapped.

To apply the channel swapping technique:
  1. Open your image, then on the top menu select Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Invert.
  2. Set the blend mode of the layer to Color.
  3. From the top menu, select Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Channel Mixer.
  4. In the dialog, start on the Red channel and reduce the red contribution to 0%, and increase the blue to 100%.
  5. Swap to the Blue channel and here increase the red contribution to 100% while reducing the blue to 0%.
  6. (Optional) On the top menu, select Filters>Blur>Diffuse Glow and adjust the filter's Radius and Intensity to your liking.