Special characters and glyphs

Special characters and glyphs can be added to your text from any font installed on your computer.

Commonly used items, such as the non-breaking space, non-breaking hyphen and zero-width space, can be inserted via the Text menu.

Any available character/glyph can be inserted via the Glyph Browser panel, which allows you to insert glyphs, Unicode characters or Unicode characters with alternates.

The following characters can be added via the Text menu's Insert Character submenu:

To add commonly used special characters/glyphs:
  1. Create an insertion point in your text.
  2. On the Text menu, select the required character from the Insert Character submenu.
To show special characters (paragraph marks, spaces and breaks) in text:
To insert characters using the Glyph Browser panel:
  1. Create an insertion point in your text.
  2. On the Window menu, select Text>Glyph Browser.
  3. Select a Font, Font style and Subset from the pop-up menu options.
  4. Double-click a glyph to add it at the insertion point.