Settings (or Preferences)
The following settings can be adjusted:
- Preset list—Select a live mask preset if previously saved. Click the adjacent button to create, rename or delete a preset.
- Merge—merges the live mask with the layer immediately below it in the layer order.
- Delete—closes the dialog and deletes the live mask.
- Reset—returns the graph to the default position (a straight line between two nodes positioned at the top of the grid).
- Hue Picker—allows you to sample a specific hue from your image on which to base your mask.
- Preview—allows you to display the selected hue on black and white values (where white is the selected range).
- Hue Wheel—presents a spectrum of hues presented on a wheel. A series of four hue wheel nodes determines the range of colours included in your mask. (See Using the hue wheel nodes below.)
In/out ramps—use the In or Out charts to subtly affect how much the hue range contributes to the mask; use a preset chart or customise the graph by dragging nodes, clicking on the curve to add new ones or deleting existing nodes.
- Invert output—reverses the values of the mask.
- Opacity—controls how much of the selected hue is visible.
- Blur Radius—controls the level of blurring at the edges of masked areas.