
Layer content can be positioned and sized accurately. The transform operations described here can be applied to placed image layers, pixel layers, mask layers and shape layers.

Sizing an image proportionally around its center
To position layer contents accurately:
  1. Select one or more layers.
  2. On the Transform panel, change X and/or Y values.
To nudge layer content:
  1. Select layer content.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • For nudging by a single unit of measurement: Press an arrow key.
    • For 10x the single unit of measurement: Press an arrow key with the key pressed.
To size layer content interactively on the canvas:
  1. Select one or more layers.
  2. Drag a corner or edge control handle on the selection's bounding box. The opposite handle is used as the anchor point.

The following effects can be applied individually or in combination when sizing content:

Action Key
Resize proportionally
Anchor operation to center
To size layer content with mathematical precision:
  1. Select one or more layers.
  2. On the Transform panel, change W and/or H values.
Transform Objects Separately To transform selected objects separately:
  1. Select multiple objects.
  2. With the Move Tool selected, select Transform Objects Separately from the context toolbar.
  3. Apply a sizing, rotation or shearing transformation. Each selected object is transformed relative to its individual attributes, not those of the selection as a whole.