Using assets

Assets are stored design elements which can be accessed from any document you have open.

Using assets

Working with assets

Assets are created from layer content. Once selected on the page, these contents can be added to a subcategory (in the displayed category) within the Assets panel. When a new assets category is created, this creates a subcategory for you, ready to drag objects to.

An asset can be quickly added to a document by simply dragging its thumbnail from the Assets panel onto the page.

Organizing assets

Categories can be created at any time to help you organize your assets. They are then listed in the pop-up menu at the top of the Assets panel. Each category can accommodate an unlimited number of subcategories.

Assets in the panel can be displayed as thumbnails in a grid (default) or as a named list. Tooltips display the name of an asset.

Sharing assets with collaborators

You can share assets with collaborators who are using Affinity Photo, by exporting and importing asset categories.

Panel Preferences To create a new assets category:
Panel Preferences To create a new assets subcategory:
Panel Preferences To create an asset:
  1. Select one or more objects or groups on the page or via the Layers panel.
  2. On the Assets panel, click a subcategory's options menu and select Add from Selection.
  1. Select one or more objects or groups on the page or via the Layers panel.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Drag the selection into the Assets panel (the cursor will change to show a plus icon) and release when you see a vertical insertion point.
    • On the Assets panel, click a subcategory's options menu and select Add from Selection.

Each item (object or group) in the selection is converted to a separate asset and placed in the subcategory with a default name.

To add an asset to the page:
To rename an asset:
  1. On the Assets panel, -click an asset thumbnail and select Rename Asset.
  2. In the dialog, type a new name for the asset and click OK.
To delete an asset from the Assets panel:
Panel Preferences To export assets:
  1. Choose the category you want to export from the pop-up menu.
  2. Click Panel Preferences and choose Export Assets.
  3. Type a name for the exported file, choose the disk location you want to save it to and click Save.
Panel Preferences To import assets:
  1. Click Panel Preferences and choose Import Assets.
  2. Locate the file you want to import and click Open.

The newly imported assets, located in a new category, will now be available to choose from the pop-up menu.