Brushes can be modified before you paint on your design. Basic modifications can be made from the context toolbar, while advanced adjustments can be made from the Brushes panel. Both methods set brush properties for subsequent brush strokes, but the latter edits your brush permanently.
The following settings are available:
Size—sets the default width of the stroke. This can still be overwritten for individual brush strokes using the context toolbar.
Accumulation—sets the deviation in the opacity or visibility of the stroke as it is painted.
Hardness—how hard the edges of the brush are. The brush appears softer as the percentage decreases.
Spacing—sets the distance between each nozzle point. A lower percentage results in the nozzles blending together to give a flowing stroke. A higher percentage pushes nozzles away from each other creating a spray-style stroke.
Flow—controls how fast colour is built up under your brush.
Shape—sets the diameter of the brush nozzles.
Rotation—sets the angle at which the brush nozzles are drawn. Great for non-round brushes, e.g. for calligraphic effects.
Blend Mode—changes how the applied colour interacts with existing colours on a layer. Select from the pop-up menu.
Wet edges—sets the default 'wet edge' behaviour of the brush. Select from the pop-up menu. Check Custom and apply a preset or custom profile, which subtly changes how watery the stroke appears.
The 'wet edge' behaviour builds paint up along the edges of your pixel brush stroke, producing a watercolour effect.
Associated Tool—sets the tool which is automatically selected when the brush is selected. Select from the pop-up menu. The associated tool's icon will appear next to the brush on the Brushes panel.
Jitter settings determine the extent to which a chosen controller (Pressure, Velocity, Rotation, etc.) will affect the above General settings. Pick a controller from the pop-up menu and click the adjacent Ramp profile icon to select a standard profile from lower thumbnails or create your own using the ramp chart. Move circular nodes to reshape the ramp, add nodes to the ramp by clicking on the line, or select a node to delete a node with the (simplifying the ramp). Check Linear for straight lines between all nodes; If unchecked (non-linear), nodes are connected using smooth curves.
Jitter settings determine the extent to which a chosen controller (Pressure, Velocity, Rotation, etc.) will affect the above General settings. Pick a controller from the pop-up menu and click the adjacent Ramp profile icon to select a standard profile from lower thumbnails or create your own using the ramp chart. Move circular nodes to reshape the ramp, add nodes to the ramp by clicking on the line, or select a node to delete a node with the (simplifying the ramp). Check Linear for straight lines between all nodes; If unchecked (non-linear), nodes are connected using smooth curves.
Scatter X—sets the deviation in the horizontal position of the stroke the preset will allow as a stroke is painted.
Scatter Y—sets the deviation in the vertical position of the stroke the preset will allow as a stroke is painted.
For nozzle control:
Brush Nozzles—displays the nozzles currently used in the current brush.
Add—adds an additional nozzle to the preset.
Remove—deletes the selected nozzle from the preset.
Nozzle-specific controller (Pressure, Velocity, Rotation, etc.)—For multi-nozzle brushes, pick a controller from the pop-up menu and click the adjacent Ramp profile icon to select a standard profile from lower thumbnails or create your own using the ramp chart.
For base texture control:
Base Texture—displays the underlying texture or pattern for the current brush.
Set Texture—launches a dialog to add a base texture, as an image, to the brush. For example, to simulate a textured surface like paper or canvas.
Remove—deletes the base texture from the current brush.
Invert—creates a negative version of the texture.
Mode—controls how the base texture contributes to the current brush. Select from the pop-up menu.
None—the base texture is ignored, so only the brush nozzles are used.
Nozzle—allows nozzles to build up brush colour onto the base texture depending on flow and opacity response.
Final—the density of the base texture is kept constant, with no nozzle flow or opacity response.
Scale—sets the size at which the texture is displayed. A lower percentage will display the texture at a larger size. A higher percentage will display the texture tiled at a smaller size.
Sub Brushes
Drawing—controls where the sub brush is drawn in relation to the main brush.
Blending—controls how the sub brush blends with the main brush.
Sync size—when checked, sets the default width of the stroke to match that of the main brush.
Sync spacing—when checked, sets the distance between each nozzle point to match that of the main brush.
Additional settings:
Reset—returns all stroke settings to those of the saved brush preset.
Duplicate—saves the current stroke settings to a new preset.
Close—exits the dialog and applies stroke settings to the selected preset.
To modify brush settings:
Choose one of the following:
With the Paint Brush Tool selected, on the context toolbar, click More.