Vector lines and shapes are easily edited using either:
The as you draw your curve or shape with the Pen Tool.
The Node Tool.
Use the former for fine tuning and line adjustment as you draw, the latter for more prolonged editing operations.
To edit lines as you draw:
With the Pen Tool active, press the to move nodes and adjust control handles when fine tuning of your curve is needed.
Colour and opacity can also be altered from the Colour panel.
To change curvature of a segment:
Do one of the following:
Select the node and then drag the control handles.
Drag on the segment directly to pull it into position.
-click a segment to straighten it.
-click a segment to delete it, creating two separate curves within one curve object.
-click a segment to delete it, creating two separate curves within one curve object.
To add nodes:
With the path selected, click at the point where you want the node to be added.
To delete nodes:
Select the node and press the .
Select the node and press the .
To close curves:
Do one of the following:
Select the path and click Close Curve on the context toolbar.
Drag the end node and drop on top of start node when the pointer changes.
To break (split) curves:
Select the node at the point at which you want the curve to break and click Break Curve on the context toolbar.
To join curves:
With the Node Tool (hold down the if using the Pen Tool), hold down with the and select both curves.
Click Join Curves on the context toolbar.
To reverse curves:
Click Reverse Curve on the context toolbar. The start node will be toggled from clockwise to anticlockwise. With a closed curve selected, this direction can be viewed using the Show Orientation checkbox. With an open curve selected, the direction of the curve is swapped, ready for further drawing from the opposite end of the curve.
To convert nodes to a different type:
Do one of the following:
Select the node(s) you want to change and click one of the node types, Sharp, Smooth or Smart, on the context toolbar.
Hold the and click on the node to convert it to a Sharp node.
To copy control handle length/direction from another curve's node:
Drag a node from one curve directly over another on a second selected curve until the cursor changes to two overlapping squares, then wait until the node's handles adjust to their new positions.