The Text Studio allows you to apply formatting to characters and paragraphs created with the Artistic Text Tool or Frame Text Tool.
The Text Studio.
Studio Preferences let you switch on or off Check Spelling While Typing. When switched off, misspelt text will no longer show with red squiggly underlines.
Tap the pin icon in the top right of the Studio to hide the Studio automatically when you are no longer focusing on it.
About the Text Studio
The following Studio options are available for applying to selected text:
Left Align—sets the paragraph alignment to adhere to the left edge of the text container.
Center Align—sets the paragraph alignment to be equidistant between the left and right edges of the text container.
Right Align—sets the paragraph alignment to adhere to the right edge of the text container.
Justified options—sets the paragraph to be justified and aligns the last line of the paragraph to the left, right, center or fully justified.
The Character section of the Studio allows you to apply local formatting to individual letters, words, sentences and paragraphs as well as entire stories. You'll be able to:
Set kerning and shearing.
Apply horizontal and vertical scaling.
Kerning—controls the kerning (distance) between characters.
Tracking—controls the spacing between characters.
Baseline—controls the position of the bottom of text characters. Positive values lower the baseline, negative values raise the baseline.
Leading Over.—Leading Override applies a local override to selected text to increase the leading with regard to the paragraph’s leading.
Shear—controls the extent of text slant. Positive values will tilt text to the left, negative values will tilt text to the right.
Horz Scale—horizontal scale stretches the characters and spacing width with regard to point size.
Vert Scale—vertical scale stretches the characters with regard to point size.
Standard Ligatures—applies any available typeface ligatures to the selected text.
Contextual Alternatives—applies any alternative typeface designs available for glyphs depending on their relative position within a word or with respect to neighboring glyphs.
Ordinals—automatically applies a superscript to letters which are part of an ordinal number.
Fractions—dynamically converts fractions into a single glyph.
Superscript—converts text characters to superscript, i.e. characters are set higher than neighboring characters and font size is decreased.
Subscript—converts text characters to subscript, i.e. characters are set lower than neighboring characters and font size is decreased.
All Caps—displays all selected text as upper case (or small caps, if Small Caps option selected).
Small Caps—displays lower case letters as miniature upper case.
OpenType—allows you to enable and disable OpenType font features where applicable. Apply a font to your text that supports OpenType features in order to use this.
The Studio's Paragraph section allows you to control the position and flow of individual paragraphs or entire stories. The section lets you:
Control the amount of vertical space between paragraphs.
Apply left and right indentations as well as indents for first lines only.
Create multiple tab stops set at different distances—giving you the ability to have irregular spacing when tapping tab several times.
Leading—controls the distance between text baselines (vertical gap between lines) within the paragraph.
Space Before—controls the vertical gap which precedes the paragraph.
Space After—controls the vertical gap which succeeds the paragraph.
First Line Indent—controls the indent applied to the first line of the paragraph.
Left Indent—controls the left indent applied to the entire paragraph (excluding the first line).
Right Indent—controls the right indent applied to the entire paragraph.
Word Spacing—sets the minimum, desired or maximum gap allowed.
Letter Spacing—sets the minimum, desired or maximum tracking allowed. Desired tracking is applicable when a paragraph has a justified alignment
Tab Stop
Position—controls the standard horizontal space added before a character when a tab stop is inserted.
Add New Tab Stop—adds an additional tab stop position.
Delete Selected Tab Stop—removes the selected tab stop.
For each new tab stop added, expand the tab stop entry (using the right arrow) to set:
Tab stop alignment—select one of the alignment options to set the alignment of the current tab stop.
Tab stop leader—select one of the characters to display up to the current tab stop.