Keyboard shortcuts

You can quickly access common tools using your Smart Keyboard or Bluetooth keyboard, if you've purchased one for your iPad. Most of the keyboard shortcuts listed here can be customised in Affinity Designer's preferences.

Show shortcuts for:

File shortcuts

Action Key
Save Document S
Save Document as Copy S
Export Document S
Print Document P

Tools shortcuts - Designer Persona

Action Key
Artistic Text Tool T
Colour Picker Tool I
Contour Tool O
Corner Tool C
Frame Text Tool F
Fill Tool G
Move Tool V
Node Tool A
Pen Tool P
Pencil Tool N
Vector Brush Tool B

Tools shortcuts - Pixel Persona

Action Key
Colour Picker Tool I
Erase Brush Tool E
Move Tool V
Paint Brush Tool P
Pixel Tool X

Edit shortcuts

Action Key
Undo Z
Redo Z
Copy C
Cut X
Paste V
Paste Filter Effect V
Paste Inside V
Paste Style V

Object control shortcuts

Action Key
Duplicate Selection J
Group G
Ungroup G
Move Back [
Move Forward ]
Move To Back [
Move To Front ]
New Vector Layer N
Nudge (Transform) Object arrow keys

Text shortcuts

Action Key
Bold B
Italicise I
Underline U

View shortcuts

Action Key
Grid '
Guides ;

Selection shortcuts

Action Key
Deselect D
Invert Selection I
Select All A
Selection From Layer O
Vector Select All A

Misc shortcuts

Action Key
Minimise App H
Minimise Document W