The Crescent Tool can be used to create crescent shapes from the thinnest 'New Moon' shape, to a full ellipse.
Default shape and handle position (in red) before customisation.
The Crescent Tool has two options on the shape and on the context toolbar to enable the amount of curve on the left and right side of the shape to be controlled.
Two possible outcomes when the options are customised.
The following settings can be adjusted from the context toolbar:
Left/Right Curve—controls the curve of the left/right side of the shape. Negative values move the curve to the left, positive values move the curve to the right.
Mirror—updates the above settings to give a reversed (flipped) version of the current shape.
Negate—updates the above settings to give the inverse (opposite) of the current shape.
To Curves—converts the selected object into a series of connected lines and nodes.