The Assets panel acts as an area for storing design elements which you can then access from any Affinity document.
The Assets panel.
Importing and exporting assets
Assets can be exported to and imported from external files (add-ons) via the Panel Preferences menu. For more information on add-ons, see the About add-ons topic.
The following settings are available in the panel:
Category—displays the currently active category. Select using left/right navigation buttons or pop-up menu.
Subcategory—displays all assets in that subcategory. Tap a subcategory's title to collapse or expand the subcategory.
The following options are available from the Panel Preferences menu:
Add Category—adds a new, custom assets category to the panel.
Import Category—adds a new category to the panel pre-populated with subcategories and assets.
Add Subcategory—adds a new subcategory to the currently selected category.
Export Category—allows you to export the selected category to a location of your choice.
Rename Category—allows you to rename the currently selected category.
Duplicate Category—makes an unlinked copy of the current category, typically for app-specific customization.
Link Category—allows you to link category content so you can share it across Affinity apps on the local device.
Delete Category—removes the currently selected category (and all its assets) from the panel.
Background—allows you to set the background color for the panel. This is useful for better in-panel assets preview.
Sort Categories By Date Added / Sort Categories By Name—instead of name order you can sort in date order; tap again to sort by name.
The following options are available from subcategory options menus:
Add Asset from Selection—adds all the objects in the current on-page selection to the subcategory as assets. Grouped objects are added as a single asset.
Rename Subcategory—allows you to rename the subcategory.
Delete Subcategory—removes the subcategory (and all its assets) from the panel.
The following options are available from a pop-up menu when tapping an asset:
Insert—adds the asset at native dimensions to your page.
Delete—deletes the chosen asset from the subcategory.
Set as Fill—applies the asset as a bitmap fill to a selected object when the Gradient Tool or Vector Flood Fill Tool is active; the bitmap is applied directly or by tapping on the object for the respective tools.