The Square Star Tool enables you to create all shapes from crosses to sunbursts quickly and easily.
Default shape and handle position (in red) before customisation.
The Square Star Tool has several options on the shape and on the context toolbar to enable the number of sides and the cutout to be controlled.
Two possible outcomes when the options are customised.
The following settings can be adjusted using a vertical tool slider:
Width—controls the width of the line using a vertical slider next to the tool's location. Slide up or down to set the width.
The following settings can be adjusted from the context toolbar:
Keep selected—when enabled (default), the new shape layer will be selected on creation. When disabled, the new object is deselected which prevents it from adopting the next object’s stroke/fill properties.
Sides—sets the number of squared points on the shape.
Cutout—controls the width of all squared points by cutting out the region between the shape's bounding box and the red shape handle.
Convert to Curves—converts the selected object into a series of connected lines and nodes.