Guides are non-printing, non-exporting lines that 'float' over your page and assist with the positioning of objects, especially when snapping is enabled. There are two types of guides to aid a variety of designs—ruler and column.
Text frame, footer text, and icons aligned to ruler guides.
Text frames and graphics aligned to three-column guide.
Ruler guides
Ruler guides allow you to add straight horizontal and vertical guide lines to help align content in your document. They can be created and positioned via Guides Settings or by dragging from a ruler.
Column guides
Column guides allow you to specify a number of evenly spaced columns and rows and are perfect for designing page layouts. They can be created and positioned via Guides Settings.
The Column Guides section of Guides Settings allows you to manage the following:
Columns—defines the number of vertical divisions that will appear.
Rows—defines the number of horizontal divisions that will appear.
Gutter—defines the size of the space between column guides.
Style—select from Filled or Outline.
To open Guides Settings:
Do one of the following:
On Toggle Preview Mode's options menu, select Guides Settings.
With the Move Tool selected, double-tap an existing ruler guide in the document view. The guide will become selected.
To add a ruler guide:
Do one of the following:
Drag from either the horizontal or vertical ruler onto the page in the document view.
In the top section of Guides Settings, tap Add Horizontal or Add Vertical to add a new guide at page centre. If guides are not already visible, tap Show to display the new guide.
To position a ruler guide:
Do one of the following:
For 'by eye' placement, select the Move Tool and then drag the guide in the document view.
For precise placement, open Guides Settings. In the document view, tap the guide and then adjust the Position setting.
To show or hide ruler guides:
Do one of the following:
On Toggle Preview Mode's options menu, select Guides.
In the top section of Guides Settings, tap Show.
To lock all ruler guides:
In the top section of Guides Settings, tap Lock Guides.
To remove a ruler guide:
Do one of the following:
With the Move Tool selected, drag the unwanted guide off the page and drop it beyond the bleed area (if your document has one) or the page edge.
Open Guides Settings and then, for each unwanted guide, tap the guide in the document view and tap Delete in the top section of the settings.
To remove all ruler guides:
In the top section of Guides Settings, tap Remove All Guides.
To add column guides:
In the Column Guides section of Guides Settings:
(Optional) Show column guides.
Set Columns, Rows and Gutter as required.
To change ruler or column guide colour:
On Toggle Preview Mode's options menu, select Guides Settings.
On the dialog, tap Colour for Guides and Column Guides, respectively.
Set the new colour.
To show or hide column guides:
Do one of the following:
On Toggle Preview Mode's options menu, tap Column Guides.
In Guides Settings, tap Show in the Column Guides section.
To remove column guides:
In Guides Settings, reduce the number of Columns and Rows in the Column Guides section to 1.