Settings (or Preferences)

Settings (or Preferences) comprise a series of miscellaneous options that are applied across your app. They can be used to set up your own way of working.

General options
Color options
Performance options
User Interface options
Tools options
Shortcuts options
Assistant options

When you perform certain operations—for example, pixel painting (or erasing) on vector layers, or applying adjustments to selections—the Assistant will take action according to your preferences and display an alert message to make you aware.

Use these options to control overall Assistant behavior:

Use these options to specify the required action for various operations and tool behaviors:

Linked Services options
Software Updates
  • Sets the frequency to which the app will check for any software updates. You can switch off update checking by selecting 'Never'.
Miscellaneous options
  • Your current Fills, Brushes, Object Styles, Text Styles, User Defaults and Fonts can be reset to factory defaults. Reset fonts updates the font cache to the current state of the system (from memory).
Miscellaneous options
  • Your current Fills, Brushes, Object Styles, Text Styles and User Defaults can be reset to factory defaults.
  • Choose whether crash reports are sent to Serif automatically and whether they include your registered name to help technical support identify your feedback. Reports are anonymous by default.
To configure settings: