Layers panel

The Layers panel lets you create a tiered document that can be designed more easily by management of layers.

About the Layers panel in Designer/Pixel Persona

Layers are composited together to form your complete design which shows up on your page.

The panel can be used to build up your design as multiple layers, with each layer devoted to a particular facet (e.g., lines, shapes, text, adjustments, etc.).

From the Layers panel you can:

Layer management features let you optimize layer control, e.g.

About the Layers panel in Export Persona

The Layers panel in Export Persona looks similar to that in Designer/Pixel Persona. The key difference is that it is not intended to help edit items on the page but instead to select layers to create exportable slices from.

Layers panel Layers panel (Export Persona)

The Layers panel in Designer/Pixel Persona (left) and Export Persona (right).

The panel displays the following: