Global colors can be created and applied to different objects in your design. If you want to change the color across your design at a later time, you can simply edit the global color in the Swatches panel and all objects update with the new color automatically and simultaneously.
The global color could be applied as a solid fill, stroke, or a color used in a gradient fill; gradients cannot be saved as global colors as they are made up of more than one color. Global colors can be made while in RGB, CMYK, HSL, LAB, Grayscale, or Tint color modes.
Global colors are added to the currently selected document palette in the Swatches panel. If a document palette does not exist when your document's first global color is created, a new document palette is automatically created for you in which the color will be stored. Once created, you can apply the global color to your design.
The tint of an applied global color can be adjusted using the Color panel.
Do one of the following:
All objects using the global color will be updated automatically.